Welcome Home in Luxor, Egypt!

My Name is Mohamed,
I will organize and help you with your individual and unforgettable stay in Egypt. Authentic, familiar and close!
As a proud Egyptian, I love my country with body and soul. I live in beautiful Luxor, the heart of Egypt, with my family.
I learned my great passion, sailing, at the age of 9 with my uncle. Today I love showing the tourists the sunset on the beautiful Nile on the Feluka.
My open and warm nature and my organizational talent are important ingredients for your individual Egypt experience. Feel safe and enjoy the Egyptian sun, the temples, the Nile and the desert! Egypt has so much to offer:
How to work with me
Feel free to contact me via WhatsApp! Tell me your travel dates, ideas and wishes and I will open up space and doors for you to make your trip to Egypt an unforgettable adventure.
* How about an early morning hot air balloon ride over the temples of Luxor?
* A sailing trip on the Nile, with the opportunity to swim on a small island? (With the option to stay overnight there!)
* I will organize trustworthy drivers for your trips to Dendera, Abydos, Edfu, Aswan and and and…
* Have you ever admired the stars at night in the desert? A trip to the Egyptian desert is a MUST for every stay.
* Traditional Egyptian cuisine: I’ll show you where you can best enjoy it and if you’re lucky, my mom will even cook for you!
* A magical journey on the Dahabiya, the traditional sailing ship, up the Nile to Aswan.
I would be happy to support you with the little things in everyday life! Do you need a boat to the other side? A SIM card for your cell phone? Are you looking for accommodation? Would you like to extend your visa?

What Friends say about me:

The opportunity to visit Egypt alone as a woman in a protected environment that Maria and Mohamed made possible for me was a good opportunity to get to know this country a little for the first time. The preparation via Zoom call was very good so that we could adjust to certain things that are different there than in Germany. I found it so gigantic to not perceive this immersion in this other world, the life there and the people as a “normal” tourist and still be protected. it won’t stop at this visit, I’ll come again! -Carmen

We experienced and saw so much and the best thing for me was actually the authenticity of experiencing a piece of real life in Egypt, away from mass tourism. A highlight (although actually everything was a highlight) for me was the campfire in front of the house. Before the trip I had mentally told myself how great it would be to sit around the fire together. When I was there and Mohammed said this without me saying anything, it was just wonderful for me. The food was also great! And I can say that even though I don’t eat meat and had my concerns about this in Egypt. If you want to see and get to know the real Egypt, you’ve come to the right place. Mohammed can also organize all kinds of tourist tours whenever you want (balloon flight over Luxor, other temple visits, pickup from Hurghada, overnight stay in the desert, market visit, …). As soon as I have the opportunity, I will visit Egypt again and use Mohamed and until then I wish him all the best! – Franziska
Irène Zulauf2024-04-16Best. Cruise on the Nile. Ever. I basically enjoyed a private cruise on a traditional boat with two professionals, respectful and caring. Would recommend to anybody. Cheers to you guys, Irene
Carmen2024-04-16Von Anfang an fühlte ich mich sehr gut betreut. Mohamed holte mich vom Flughafen in Luxor ab und zusammen fuhren wir im Taxi ins Zuhause von Maria und Mohamed wo ich 3 Tage gemeinsam mit einer anderen Frau im Gästezimmer wohnen durfte. Mohamed kochte sehr schmackhafte Gerichte und ist super im Organisieren. Er organisierte für mich eine Heißluftballonfahrt und einen Ausflug mit dem Motorboot hinaus auf eine kleine Nilinsel und so konnte sich mein Traum vom Schwimmen im Nil erfüllen. Danke für diese tolle Betreuung und ich freue mich in der Zukunft wieder einen Besuch bei Maria und Mohamed zu machen!!
Mandy Hartmann2024-04-16Mohamed and Maria are a wonderful team and both take great effort to make your stay as smooth and pleasant as possible. Mohamed can help you organize your trip according to your wishes and makes sure you have a great time and will show you how amazing Egyptian hospitality is!
Skilled Girl2024-04-16Really friendly and caring tour guide
Michaela Girstmair2024-04-16Ich habe selten jemanden getroffen der so bemüht und gastfreundlich wie Mohamed ist. Er kümmerte sich liebevoll um all meine Wünsche und zeigte mir tolle Spots fernab vom typischen Tourismus. Sein selbstgemachtes Essen ist einfach fantastisch und das abendliche Lagerfeuer ein wunderbarer Tagesausklang. Er nutzte stets seine einheimischen Kontakte um mir nicht nur das Beste sondern auch das Billigste bieten zu können. Ägypten/Luxor ist magisch und Mohamed und Maria sind das perfekte Team einem das Besondere und die Magie dieses Landes näher zu bringen. Danke für die schöne Zeit mit euch ❤️ I have rarely met someone who is as caring and hospitable as Mohamed. He lovingly took care of all my wishes and showed me great spots far away from typical tourism. His selfmade food is simply fantastic and the evening campfire is a wonderful end to the day. He always used his local contacts to be able to offer me not only the best but also the cheapest. Egypt/Luxor is magical and Mohamed and Maria are the perfect team to bring you closer to the special and magic of this country. Thank you for the wonderful time with you ❤️Google rating score: 5.0 of 5, based on 5 reviews

Contact me:
The best way to reach me is via WhatsApp: +20 102 237 4129
or also on Instagram:
I speak Arabic, English and am currently learning German.
I look forward to getting to know you in person and showing you my beautiful Egypt!